
The European Union

The European Union is funding a variety of different projects and programs being implemented by RECOFTC. The largest is a five-year (2017-21) multi-country project covering the Lower Mekong countries focusing on developing the capacities of non-state actors in forest governance contributing to FLEGT and REDD+.

The EU is also funding the Empowerment of Local Networks and Local Authorities (LAs) for Sustainable Ing Watershed Management (WSM) project to develop the community-based natural resource management capacities of local networks and authorities in the Ing watershed in northern Thailand, and will also fund another project aimed at developing the capacities of non-state actors in forest governance mechanisms in Thailand beginning in early 2018. The EU is also the donor for the Sustainable Biodiversity, Environmental and Social Benefits in the Protected Areas of the Eastern Plans Landscape of Cambodia (ENRTP) project, led by WWF and for which RECOFTC is an implementing partner.

Previously, the EU funded the Sustainable Forest Management and Rural Livelihoods Enhancement through Community Forestry and REDD Initiatives, RECOFTC’s flagship field project in Cambodia (during 2010–15) supporting community forestry formalization and management planning in over 200 community forests (over 50% of CFs under formal development) across the country. The EU has also funded a number of FLEGT-readiness initiatives proposed by RECOFTC through various FLEGT programmes administered by EFI and FAO.

Other sister projects include CF - NET in Thailand, which seeks to strengthen community forestry networks across the country.