
The European Union

The European Union is funding a variety of different projects and programs being implemented by RECOFTC. The largest is a five-year (2017-21) multi-country project covering the Lower Mekong countries focusing on developing the capacities of non-state actors in forest governance contributing to FLEGT and REDD+.

The EU is also funding the Empowerment of Local Networks and Local Authorities (LAs) for Sustainable Ing Watershed Management (WSM) project to develop the community-based natural resource management capacities of local networks and authorities in the Ing watershed in northern Thailand, and will also fund another project aimed at developing the capacities of non-state actors in forest governance mechanisms in Thailand beginning in early 2018. The EU is also the donor for the Sustainable Biodiversity, Environmental and Social Benefits in the Protected Areas of the Eastern Plans Landscape of Cambodia (ENRTP) project, led by WWF and for which RECOFTC is an implementing partner.

Previously, the EU funded the Sustainable Forest Management and Rural Livelihoods Enhancement through Community Forestry and REDD Initiatives, RECOFTC’s flagship field project in Cambodia (during 2010–15) supporting community forestry formalization and management planning in over 200 community forests (over 50% of CFs under formal development) across the country. The EU has also funded a number of FLEGT-readiness initiatives proposed by RECOFTC through various FLEGT programmes administered by EFI and FAO.

Other sister projects include CF - NET in Thailand, which seeks to strengthen community forestry networks across the country. 

The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC)

The project lead, RECOFTC is a capacity development organization working to ensure that local communities can actively manage their forests to ensure optimal social, economic, and environmental benefits. Working throughout the Asia - Pacific region, RECOFTC's headquarters is in Bangkok, along with program offices in the project target countries. 

WWF (Germany and Greater Mekong)

WWF is working in the Mekong region to protect species, encouraging sustainable forestry and non-timber forest product management, supporting communities, and governments with climate change adaptation, and promoting the sustainable use of freshwater resources. WWF has program offices in the project target countries. 

East West Management Institute - Open Development Initiative

EWMI-ODI manages a regional open data platform called Open Development Mekongaiming to be a central repository for data and objective information on development trends accessible and useful to all people in the lower Mekong region by contributing to an information ecosystem with a multi-pronged approach. This approach provides open data and raises awareness on the use of data in CSO works in various sectors, including forest governance. Additionally, the ODI data allows to examine development trends across thematic areas and highlight gaps, biases and inaccuracies within the data.

NEPCon (Nature, Economy and People Connected)

NEPCon is an international not-for-profit organization that works to build commitment and capacity for mainstreaming sustainability. The organization is fostering solutions for safeguarding our natural resources and tackling climate change. This includes facilitating responsible forest management and trade, building capacity and providing solutions for responsible sourcing of forest commodities. 


TRAFFIC is a leading non-governmental organization working globally on trade in wild animals and plants in the context of both biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. 

NGO Forum on Cambodia (Cambodia)

NGO Forum works to improve life for the country's poor and vulnerable people. It is a membership organization that builds NGO cooperation and capacity, supporting NGO networks and other civil society organizations to engage in policy dialogue, debate and advocacy.

Lao Biodiversity Association - LBA (Lao PDR)

LBA aims to contribute to biodiversity protection and sustainable development, contribute to poverty alleviation and support the country's efforts to address climate change. It works with government agencies at multiple levels as well as international institutions and funding organizations to develop research and conservation projects in the country.

Myanmar Environment Rehabilitation-conservation Network - MERN (Myanmar)

MERN is a national network of local and national NGOs with an environmental focus. From forestry and environmental policy development, to community improvement, capacity building, social mobilization, agriculture, livestock, fisheries, and social infrastructure projects, MERN's members are improving Myanmar's environment and society. 

Raks Thai - A member of CARE International (Thailand)

Raks Thai strengthens the capacity of poor and disadvantaged communities to analyze root causes of problems, determine solutions and participate in development activities. It works in climate change adaptation and natural resources management, health, youth development, women's economic empowerment and humanitarian support. 

People and Nature Reconciliation - PanNature (Viet Nam)

PanNature is working to protect and conserve the diversity of life and improve human well-being in Viet Nam by seeking, promoting and implementing feasible, nature-friendly solutions to important environmental problems and sustainable development issues. 

Empowering voices through multi-stakeholder discussion

The Voices for Mekong Forests (V4MF) Project seeks to empower voices through collaborative efforts. This oftentimes includes working closely with the governments throughout the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) to strengthen the voices of non-state actors (NSAs) in their governing practices.