
Training for Trainers: “Facilitation Capacities in Training”

This article was originally published by V4MF implementing partner PanNature

In the process of contributing to improve forestry policies, civil society organizations have bridged local communities especially ethnic minorities with relevant state agencies. However, besides achievements, these organizations have faced many limitations including (1) organizations’ role is not properly recognized by other stakeholders; (2) organizations’ staff lack in-depth understanding about institutions and policy making process; (3) humble financial resource prevents large scale and long term initiatives; (4) facilitation capacities of organizations’ staff are not strong enough to build trust and attract active engagement of different stakeholders in improving forest governance.

In order to enhance capacities of forestry governance officers and those who facilitate different stakeholders in forest governance, the Center for People and Forest (RECOFTC), People and Nature Reconciliation (PanNature) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) co-organized a training for trainers (TOT) “Facilitation capacities in training” in Da Nang, Vietnam from October 8th to October 12th.

The training was attended by 20 trainers from various cities and provinces in Vietnam. They enthusiastically engaged in discussions on adult learning, fundamental roles and attitudes of facilitators and practiced vital skills such as listening, observation, asking questions, paraphrasing and etc both in class and in Dai Nghia Commune, Dai Loc District, Quang Nam province.

This training is under Voice for Mekong Forests Project funded by the European Union and implemented in Vietnam by RECOFTC, PanNature and WWF.