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Showing publications 6 to 10 out of 13 found.

6: Forest Tenure in Asia: Status and Trends

Publication date01 Sep 2012
Author(s)Ganga Ram Dahal; Julian Atkinson; James Bampton

7: The struggle over Asia’s forests: An overview of forest conflict and potential implications for REDD+

Publication date01 Mar 2012
Author(s)Yasmi, Y.; Kelley, L.; Murdiyarso, D.; Patel, T
PublisherCommonwealth Forestry Association

8: South Asia Forest Tenure Assessment

Publication date01 Feb 2012
Author(s)Ganga Ram Dahal; Krishna Adhikari

9: Forest Conflict in Asia and the Role of Collective Action in its Management

Publication date01 Dec 2011
Author(s)Yurdi Yasmi; Lisa Kelley; Thomas Enters
PublisherInternational Food Policy Research Institute

10: Conflict Over Forests and Land in Asia

Publication date01 Sep 2010
Author(s)Yurdi Yasmi; Lisa Kelley; Thomas Enters