
Free, Prior, Informed Consent (FPIC): A Tool for Better Forest Governance

As they explore the concept, key principles and steps of FPIC, participants of this course will learn how to design and implement a process to obtain FPIC. The process ensures that elements of good forest governance are incorporated into forest landscape projects. Participants will develop action points to address potential issues and concerns in applying FPIC in their own respective country contexts.
May 07
Jul 12
Bangkok, Thailand

There are numerous legal measures in place, and tools available to support the investors. One of the most prominent is Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC). FPIC is increasingly being recognized as not just an obligation on, for example, REDD+ project proponents, but also an effective way to safeguard investments.

There is, however, a significant need to develop capacity among relevant stakeholders to understand the complex art of negotiating community consent, and to cultivate the necessary skills for effective FPIC implementation.

This course targets company, government and civil society staff working with communities so they can have a stronger grasp of how to incorporate FPIC in their projects, as well as supporting communities in safeguarding their rights under FPIC. In addition to covering the theoretical principles and values that support FPIC, participants can explore practical examples of its implementation during a field trip to an appropriate site in Thailand. Participants will be provided with the opportunity to apply their learning from in-class sessions as they interact with key actors in a natural resource context in Thailand.