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Showing publications 21 to 25 out of 50 found.

21: Enhancing REDD+ Outcomes through Improved Governance of Community Forestry User Groups

Publication date01 Jul 2013
Author(s)Bishnu Hari Poudyal; Govinda Paudel; Harisharan Luintel
PublisherJournal of Forest and Livelihood

22: Đổi mới Chính sách Khai thác và Lưu thông Lâm sản

Publication date01 Oct 2012
Author(s)Trần Ngọc Thanh, Nguyễn Quang Tân, và Trần Ngọc Đan Thùy
PublisherRECOFTC ; RRI

23: Forest Tenure in Asia: Status and Trends

Publication date01 Sep 2012
Author(s)Ganga Ram Dahal; Julian Atkinson; James Bampton

24: International Knowledge Sharing and Learning Workshop on Forest and Land Tenure

Publication date29 Aug 2012
PublisherRECOFTC; The National Assembly of Lao PDR; RRI